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Beyond the Test: a new Era in the Pet Food Safety Industry !

Pet Food

Pets are part of the family and they deserve the very best! With a growing demand of Premium & nutritious products, Petfood manufacturers must continually innovate new formulas and implement even higher standards of Food Safety to meet evolving regulations. Dry Petfood and minimally processed Petfood which are the largest growing categories in the market are also the ones of higher microbial risks. As required by regulators, in order to limit potential transfer of contamination to pet owners, deliver pathogen-free products is a new huge challenge for Petfood manufacturers.  

Moreover, understand and master the microbiome of the factory is key for Petfood manufacturers to lead them limit massive sanitization and potential chemical residues in finished products that can affect pets who are much more sensory sensitive than humans.

Pet Food

To control and minimize all these risks, extensive daily microbial testing throughout the production process combined with rigorous environmental monitoring are required, that can be very expensive. Current controls based on testing alone and risk detection have limitations. Today’s ever-increasing food safety and pet owner demand challenges demand new, innovative solutions to grow their business and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

With decades of expertise and the most comprehensive family of diagnostic solutions,

bioMérieux understands the challenges facing Petfood producers – and the limitations of today’s tests. That is why we created AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS.

AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS is a revolutionary new approach to food safety & quality that combines our core microbiology testing portfolio together with the latest Molecular & Genomic methodologies, Data Science and Bio-informatics tools. This unique suite of solutions amplifies traditional microbiology testing with data analysis enabling our AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS experts to unlock actionable insights throughout the entirety of their production process. By adopting AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS, Petfood makers obtain comprehensive information, in easily understandable formats, in the shortest possible time to help them improve raw material and supplier risk management, prevent cross-contamination, and ultimately protect the health of our precious pets.

As a trusted partner in AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS, we are uniquely positioned at the forefront of delivering game changing solutions to improve risk management, prevent future incidents, and sustain business performance.

Product List

  • GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella

    True Quantification

    GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella brings efficiency and ease with accurate quantification of Salmonella. With no incubation or enrichment required, you get reliable results with true quantification for informed and efficient intervention decisions.
  • SMASHER® Sample Blender

    High-Performance Blender

    The SMASHER® is a high-performance bag blender that ensures homogenous samples prior to microbial detection or identification tests.
  • VITEK EXPRESS Identification Services

    ID Services Powered by Microbiology Experts

    As microbiologists, we know fast and reliable results are of the utmost importance. Get the accurate identifications you need quickly and easily.
  • VITEK® MS Rapid Identification of Microorganisms

    Improve Your Productivity and Increase Confidence

    VITEK® MS was developed for its rapid identification of microorganisms for the pharmaceutical,personal care, and food industries. Suitable for industrial manufacturers and pharmaceutical laboratories who work with microbial identification, our knowledge base contains the most frequently encountered organisms in pharmaceutical, food and animal health applications.
  • eGENE-UP® Lysis and RNA/DNA Purification

    Keep your customers safe

    The eGENE-UP® system enables high-quality Lysis and RNA/DNA purification to enhance the detection of foodborne pathogens across a wide array of targets.