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Anima Proteins Meat and Alternatives

Animal Proteins: Meat, Poultry & Alternatives

Animal proteins products can be risky due to their shorter shelf life. Therefore, receiving the pathogen test results on time can be almost as important as receiving accurate results. Testing delays can lead to spoilage and product losses, making reliable and timely microbiological testing methods of the highest importance in maintaining your bottom line. 

Animal Proteins Testing

bioMérieux provides a comprehensive range of pathogen detection systems that fit within your company needs and improve upon traditional testing methods. Their technology improves lab workflow, lessens testing times, and helps you, cost-effectively, consistently, to provide quality products to your customers.

Our Augmented Diagnostics approach helps you optimize your food safety and quality workflow by leveraging the power of data and genomics, custom molecular diagnostics, and our proven microbiology solutions to deliver actionable insights to your operation.


Solutions for Animal Proteins Industry

  • GENE-UP®

    Automated Pathogen Detection

    Our real-time PCR solution simplifies workflows, decreases cross-contamination risks, and gives you rapid results that speed up critical manufacturing decisions.

  • VIDAS® KUBE™ Automated Food Pathogens Detection


     VIDAS® KUBE™’s adaptable automation helps your lab to be more productive, more accurate, and at the forefront of innovation—all-in-one simplifed platform.

  • GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella

    True Quantification

    GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella brings efficiency and ease with accurate quantification of Salmonella. With no incubation or enrichment required, you get reliable results with true quantification for informed and efficient intervention decisions.


    GENE-UP® CAMPYLOBACTER is a real-time PCR-based solution that delivers results in under an hour and is AOAC validated for a variety of enrichment medias.

  • TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution

    Automated Quality Indicator Solution

    TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.

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