Animal Proteins Testing
bioMérieux provides a comprehensive range of pathogen detection systems that fit within your company needs and improve upon traditional testing methods. Their technology improves lab workflow, lessens testing times, and helps you, cost-effectively, consistently, to provide quality products to your customers.
Our Augmented Diagnostics approach helps you optimize your food safety and quality workflow by leveraging the power of data and genomics, custom molecular diagnostics, and our proven microbiology solutions to deliver actionable insights to your operation.
Solutions for Animal Proteins Industry
GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. coli
Unrivaled Accuracy
GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. Coli (PEC) brings accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use detection for the top pathogenic strains that threaten public health and brand reputation. In just 60 minutes after enrichment, you get unrivaled accuracy and rapid results.
MASTERCLAVE® Media Preparator
Broth and Culture Media Preparation
MASTERCLAVE® is an automated culture media preparation system that improves your laboratory workflow, from media to sample preparation.
Systems for more efficient tube, bottle and plate filling
The PMi™ (High Precision Peristaltic Dispenser) brings greater efficiency and precision to your culture media preparation. You can fill tubes, bottles or plates manually with PMi™.
Pathogen Environmental Monitoring E-Learning Course
Elevate your team's expertise and ensure consistent planning and execution across your organization with our interactive eLearning course.
Ready-to-Use Broth for the Food Industry
Our Ready-to-Use broth are designed specifically for the food industry, providing a reliable and convenient solution for microbial testing and quality control. They ensure industry professionals with safety, ease of use, and time efficiency, simplifying daily tasks and enabling you to concentrate on high-value activities.