Press Releases
03 May 2012
bioMérieux Completes its VIDAS® Hepatitis Panel with a New Test for the Diagnosis of Hepatitis C
Marcy l’Etoile, France, May 3, 2012 — bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, announces the launch of VIDAS® Anti-HCV for the detection of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). With th...
24 Apr 2012
bioMérieux - First-Quarter 2012 Business Review
Sales up 9.3% at constant exchange rates Of which 3.1% organic growth, in line with objectives Strong momentum* in China (up 47%) and India (up 31%) Solid performance* in industrial applications (up 1...
12 Apr 2012
bioMérieux’s Myla® Named as Finalist in the 2012 Medical Design Excellence Awards
Myla middleware recognized for groundbreaking innovation in In Vitro Diagnostics...
27 Mar 2012
Detection of Schmallenberg virus made possible by bioMérieux: the ADIAGENE PCR kit has been validated by ANSES
Marcy l’Etoile, France – ADIAGENE, a member of the bioMérieux group and specialized in diagnostics for animal health, has obtained ANSES validation for a kit for the detection of Schmallenberg virus, ...
13 Mar 2012
bioMérieux - 2011 Financial Results
Solid financial performance: Sales at constant exchange rates: up 6.5% Including organic growth: up 4.1% Operating margin before non-recurring items: 18% Confirmed medium and long-term growth potentia...
14 Feb 2012
Marcy l'Etoile - bioMérieux issues a reminder that on January 24, 2012, it set and communicated its objectives for 2012 sales growth. The Company is targeting organic growth between 3-5% or 6-8% at co...