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A fast and reliable method for spoiler detection and enumeration

D-COUNT® system is an advanced analysis solution for the rapid detection of microorganisms. D-COUNT® helps solve your key challenges such as detecting spoilers before a product release, an undetected spoilers before reaching the consumer or a long time to detect product spoilage. Rapid microbiological testing with the D-COUNT® system helps improve manufacturing uptime, reduce inventory and non-quality costs, and protect brand perception by assuring product quality.

Product Details

With 35 years of proven experience, three generations of products, and serving over 500 satisfied customers worldwide, D-COUNT® is a trusted laboratory tool designed to enhance the profitability and performance of manufacturing plants by solving industrial challenges. D-COUNT® can be used from raw materials through manufacturing to finished products.

In process control tests can be done to check the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, all along the process to prevent spoilage contamination and reduce its impact.

Product release testing can also be done to check the quality of the finished product to prevent spoilage from release until the end of the product's shelf life.

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Main Benefits

  • Release sooner products on the market
  • Improve the working capital receiving cash earlier
  • Interrupt manufacturing sooner in case of contamination to limit scrap.
  • Reduce storage areas.
  • Preserve organoleptic properties.

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