Press Releases
07 Jul 2007
bioMérieux : étude de la fermeture progressive du site de Boxtel aux Pays-Bas
Marcy l’Etoile, France - june 7, 2007. Following today’s Board of Directors meeting, bioMérieux announced that it is going to study the feasibility of gradually closing its Boxtel site in the Netherla...
02 Jul 2007
Sysmex and bioMérieux Form a Global Partnership
Kobe (Japan), Marcy l'Etoile (France) - July 2, 2007. Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; President: Hisashi Ietsugu) and bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) have signed an agreement today by which bioMérieux...
04 Jun 2007
Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. and bioMérieux Enter into Business Collaboration for Pre-Poured Media
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan and Marcy l’Etoile, France - Jun. 4, 2007. Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. (TSE: 4549), and bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) have today signed an agreement by which some Pre-Poured Media (P...
30 May 2007
Healthcare-Associated Infections : 1st World Forum on a critical public health issue
Marcy l’Etoile (France) - May 30, 2007. bioMérieux organizes the First World Forum on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI). This Forum will bring together around fifty international experts at the M...
29 May 2007
L'USDA améliore la lutte contre les intoxications d'origine alimentaire : le système bioMérieux TEMPO® sélectionné pour tester les produits
Marcy l’Etoile, France - May 29, 2007. TEMPO’s automated food quality testing will help improve food safety nationwide. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is incorporating a new, state...
22 May 2007
AdvanDx and bioMérieux Partner to Provide Rapid Results for Bloodstream Infections
Woburn, MA, USA and Marcy l’Etoile, France - May 22, 2007. In order to provide faster identification of bloodstream pathogens, bioMérieux (Euronext: BIM) has agreed with AdvanDx, Inc. to sign an exclu...