Press Releases
06 Jan 2005
bioMérieux launches VITEK® 2 Compact to complete its VITEK 2 range
Marcy l’Etoile, France - January 6, 2005. A world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, bioMérieux SA (Euronext: FR0010096479 – BIM) completes its VITEK® 2 range of automated microbial identifi...
15 Dec 2004
bioMérieux acquires an option to license Applied NeuroSolutions’ Technology to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease
Marcy L’Etoile, France - December 15th, 2004. bioMérieux SA (Euronext: FR0010096479 – BIM) , announces today that it signed a non-exclusive agreement with Applied Neurosolutions granting bioMérieux SA...
05 Nov 2004
bioMérieux reveals VIDIA, its new automated immunoanalyser, in Paris at the Journées Internationales de Biologie
Marcy l'Etoile, France - November 5th, 2004. A major player in the in vitro diagnostics marketplace, bioMérieux announces the first official presentation of its new fully automated immunoanalyser, VID...
25 Oct 2004
bioMérieux to assess potential of PlasmAcute® Technology for tuberculosis testing
Bergen, Norway - October 25, 2004. Novel Diagnostics ASA and bioMérieux announced today that they have signed an agreement that gives bioMérieux access to patented PlasmAcute® acute phase antibody det...
20 Oct 2004
Nine-Month Sales Up 5.6% at Constant Exchange Rates
Marcy l'Etoile, France - October 20th, 2004. bioMérieux, a global leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, today announced its sales for the first nine months of 2004.
07 Oct 2004
bioMérieux signs New Agreements with Gen-Probe
Marcy l'Etoile, France - October 7th, 2004. bioMérieux receives a $ 1 million license fee for access to its markers for blood clotting disorders. bioMérieux to give Gen-Probe an option for the access ...