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In the wine industry, brand recognition and reputation evolve over time, signifying quality and enhancing the perceived value of a winery's expertise. Wine production involves complex microbiological processes, where some microbes improve with aging while others can spoil the wine, impacting its quality and reputation.

Wine Testing

Current quality control methods, reliant on experience and sensory evaluation, have limitations, especially considering the increased risk of spoilage contamination throughout the wine-making process. Establishing proactive quality control processes is crucial to mitigate risks and meet consumer expectations. Fast and accurate diagnostic results are essential for maintaining wine quality along the supply chain and preventing spoilage events.

Recognizing these challenges, bioMérieux created AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS, a revolutionary approach combining microbiology testing with the latest data and genomic capabilities. This suite of solutions provides actionable insights throughout the production process, helping wine producers anticipate risks, cater to consumer preferences and avoid costly remediation.  

As a trusted partner in AUGMENTED DIAGNOSTICS, bioMérieux delivers game-changing solutions to enhance risk management, prevent incidents, and sustain operational performance in the wine industry. 

Solutions for the Wine Industry