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Revolutionize Your Endotoxin Testing

Embark on a journey that will challenge the traditional norms in endotoxin detection. Discover why rFC is the new standard, explore lab enhancements for streamlined efficiency, champion sustainability with the 3Rs, simplify data integrity through cutting-edge automation, and conquer complex samples in cell and gene therapy. 

Elevate your testing process today!

Revolutionize Your Endotoxin Testing


Discover The Future

Embark on a 6-part journey designed to challenge the traditional norms in endotoxin detection.


Embrace rFC

Embark on a 6-part journey designed to challenge the traditional norms in endotoxin detection.


Champion Sustainability

Recombinant Factor C (rFC) is a non-animal-derived reagent — since it is not harvested from wild animals as is LAL, the rFC assay helps alleviate pressures on its ecosystem derived from a growing demand for LAL. Additionally, because it is produced in an industrial lab, it is an inherently more reliable resource, ensuring greater supply chain security. 


Step Into The Future

Embark on a 6-part journey designed to challenge the traditional norms in endotoxin detection.


Conquer Complexity

Embark on a 6-part journey designed to challenge the traditional norms in endotoxin detection.


Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) and Biologic Drugs

Lets explore the critical importance of understanding endotoxin masking phenomenon and overcoming the Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) challenges. In this article you’ll learn how innovative detection methods and protocols like Hold Time Studies (HTS) can help manufacturers enhance product safety and quality standards. 

Download eBook

Unlock our comprehensive eBook that will guide you through endotoxin best practices, with valuable insight into support, development, and performance of Limulus-based testing.