Egg Testing
Choosing the right testing and monitoring solutions to guarantee those perfect conditions prevents losses to finished products, and ensures profitability. bioMérieux acts as a skilled partner to provide the exact technological solutions that you need.
Product List
GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella
True Quantification
GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella brings efficiency and ease with accurate quantification of Salmonella. With no incubation or enrichment required, you get reliable results with true quantification for informed and efficient intervention decisions.
GENE-UP® CAMPYLOBACTER is a real-time PCR-based solution that delivers results in under an hour and is AOAC validated for a variety of enrichment medias.
TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution
Automated Quality Indicator Solution
TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.
Now You Know
Move from test results to actionable insights and make impactful decisions within 2 hours from an isolated colony with GENE UP® TYPER. This real-time PCR assay utilizes probabilistic typing of specific microorganisms to help identify the root cause of contamination and avoid future recurrence.
ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring
Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program
ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.