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Value of the Partnerships

The Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Centers of Excellence are continuously advancing healthcare practices to combat antimicrobial resistance and improve patient care. Discover success stories, new collaborations and strategic partnership announcements, updates on the latest diagnostic tools, and thought leadership from industry partners, on evolving trends, and challenges in AMS.

Group photo: IHH Healthcare Malaysia & bioMérieux

IHH Healthcare Malaysia & bioMérieux

Local and global experts exchanged knowledge on strategies and best practices for fighting AMR.

Group photo: Tampa General Hospital & bioMérieux

Tampa General Hospital & bioMérieux

This partnership recognizes the contribution of the lab and fast diagnostics to optimizing care.

Group photo: Henry Ford Health & bioMérieux

Henry Ford Health & bioMérieux

Henry Ford Health and bioMérieux share a commitment to improve antimicrobial stewardship.

Screenshot from VITEK® MS PRIME Customer Testimonial

VITEK® MS PRIME Customer Testimonial

The Microbiology Manager at Tampa General Hospital discusses the value of VITEK® MS PRIME.

Two people stand together, working in lab

Value & AMS Impact

bioMérieux Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence partners are making strides in AMS.

Two people working in lab talk together

General Value & Outcomes

Improving time to result, enabling faster time to optimal therapy, and building alliances to further AMS.

Person working in lab views results

Data & Evidence

Every day, new data and evidence highlight the impact of Antimicrobial Stewardship efforts from our AMS Centers of Excellence partners.