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Give a New Color to Your Investigations

Root Cause Analysis in the Food Industry

In the case of microbial contamination, it is necessary to figure out the root cause of the contamination problem. bioMérieux offers all-inclusive microbial typing services for microbial root cause analysis (RCA) through a combination of routine typing, Whole Genome Sequencing, and Metagenomics.

Find the Root Cause of Your Contamination

A pathogen raises many questions. You need to know what to do, where it comes from, and what it is. Fueled by our Augmented Diagnostics approach, bioMérieux helps you find the origin of a contaminating microorganism, characterize it as a specific or non-specific strain, and compare it with control strains or other strains present elsewhere in the environment. The ultimate aim is to prevent food product recalls and preserve your brand image.

Until recently, problems in food manufacturing associated with microorganisms was an accepted expense. We lived with large amounts of waste in our value streams due to a lack of data and understanding of the reasons why. Today, bioMérieux proposes a comprehensive approach that enhances our knowledge to attack the root cause rather that just managing symptoms. Through a proactive approach that combines data science, bioinformatics, and genomics, we identify and manage risk to remove waste, improve flow, and crucially reduce the total cost of production.


Discover Our Tools To Help You Find The Root Cause of  Contamination


    Now You Know

    Move from test results to actionable insights and make impactful decisions within 2 hours from an isolated colony with GENE UP® TYPER. This real-time PCR assay utilizes probabilistic typing of specific microorganisms to help identify the root cause of contamination and avoid future recurrence. 

  • Genomics Tools In Food Manufacturing

    Pathogen Mapping, Spoiler Mapping, Microbiome Discovery


    Genomics tools are changing the way food manufacturers manage quality control issues, leading to an efficient use of their budget and significant savings on non-quality cost.


    Collaborating together to optimize laboratories by reducing expenses, enhancing quality, accelerating results, and empowering staff.

  • GENE-UP®

    Automated Pathogen Detection

    Our real-time PCR solution simplifies workflows, decreases cross-contamination risks, and gives you rapid results that speed up critical manufacturing decisions.

  • ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring

    Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program

    ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.


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Understand the essentials in 2 minutes: the ultimate investigation into the heart of the microbiome

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Augmented Diagnostics

Food Safety & Quality

To help the food processing industry keep pace with the rapidly changing environment, we are investing heavily in disruptive science and technology. This enables our customers to anticipate emerging risks and take full control of their operations.