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Ice Cream

Ice cream manufacturers have to ensure good practices are in place preventing ice cream contamination due to its risk from contact with raw milk and egg products.

Ice Cream

Controlling bacteria in manufacturing facilities through quality programs that are monitored and verified are key to reducing microbial risk and preventing any recalls. This reduces the risk of associated brand damage, whilst maintaining efficiency through highly-adapted microbiological testing solutions. When it comes to product quality, bioMérieux is Your Truster Partner for revolutionary and cost-effective pathogen detection.

Product List

  • D-COUNT® Rapid Microbial Detection

    Ultra Rapid Microbial Detection

    The D-COUNT® system is an advanced analysis solution for the rapid detection of microorganisms.

  • TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution

    Automated Quality Indicator Solution

    TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.

  • ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring

    Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program

    ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.


    Now You Know

    Move from test results to actionable insights and make impactful decisions within 2 hours from an isolated colony with GENE UP® TYPER. This real-time PCR assay utilizes probabilistic typing of specific microorganisms to help identify the root cause of contamination and avoid future recurrence. 

  • API® 

    Manual Microbial Identification

    API® makes microbial identification simple and reliable. Combining a standardized method with an extensive and robust digital microbial ID knowledge base, API® can easily be implemented into any microbiology laboratory.

  • Culture Media    

    Comprehensive Control

    Reliable culture media solutions safeguard food products from contamination, making them an integral part of your laboratory’s daily quality control testing. 


    Automated Sample Dilution

    The DILUMAT® dilution system is designed to ensure accurate dilutions and reduce contamination risks, standardizing your sample preparation and evolving with your needs.