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Ready Meals

In an increasingly globally connected food supply chain, ready to eat meals require product consistency. They offer consumers convenience and flexibility, resulting in their high level of demand. Manufacturers therefore must prioritize the continued safety of these products. 

Ready Meals

Ready meals have the highest number of recalls because they assemble a variety of food products. At the same time, consumers are demanding that less preservatives be used. Pathogen testing of ready to eat food is thus of utmost importance across the entire supply chain. In partnering with bioMérieux, our solutions help you ensure that food safety control is implemented effectively and consistently, while also improving your bottom line.

Product List

  • API® 

    Manual Microbial Identification

    API® makes microbial identification simple and reliable. Combining a standardized method with an extensive and robust digital microbial ID knowledge base, API® can easily be implemented into any microbiology laboratory.

  • Culture Media    

    Comprehensive Control

    Reliable culture media solutions safeguard food products from contamination, making them an integral part of your laboratory’s daily quality control testing. 


    Automated Sample Dilution

    The DILUMAT® dilution system is designed to ensure accurate dilutions and reduce contamination risks, standardizing your sample preparation and evolving with your needs.

  • ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring

    Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program

    ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.

  • GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. coli

    Unrivaled Accuracy

    GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. Coli (PEC) brings accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use detection for the top pathogenic strains that threaten public health and brand reputation. In just 60 minutes after enrichment, you get unrivaled accuracy and rapid results.