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Aseptic Filled Food (Dressing, Soups)

Aseptic foods such as dressings and soups require that sterile products are transferred to sterile containers in a hygienic manner. They are produced and packaged in a low-germ environment, which is important to maintain throughout the entire manufacturing process. This requires separate sterilization for different products as well as aseptic (contamination-free) conditions. In order to ensure that the safety level of these products is consistent and preserve brand identity, a suitable food safety solution is required to prevent losses and spoilages. 

Aseptic Filled Food (Dressing, Soups)

bioMérieux specializes in developing adaptable pathogen testing solutions that ensure profits by providing quick and reliable results. 

Product List

  • GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella

    True Quantification

    GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella brings efficiency and ease with accurate quantification of Salmonella. With no incubation or enrichment required, you get reliable results with true quantification for informed and efficient intervention decisions.


    Now You Know

    Move from test results to actionable insights and make impactful decisions within 2 hours from an isolated colony with GENE UP® TYPER. This real-time PCR assay utilizes probabilistic typing of specific microorganisms to help identify the root cause of contamination and avoid future recurrence. 

  • ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring

    Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program

    ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.

  • Pathogen Environmental Monitoring E-Learning Course

    Elevate your team's expertise and ensure consistent planning and execution across your organization with our interactive eLearning course.

  • API® 

    Manual Microbial Identification

    API® makes microbial identification simple and reliable. Combining a standardized method with an extensive and robust digital microbial ID knowledge base, API® can easily be implemented into any microbiology laboratory.

  • Culture Media    

    Comprehensive Control

    Reliable culture media solutions safeguard food products from contamination, making them an integral part of your laboratory’s daily quality control testing. 


    Automated Sample Dilution

    The DILUMAT® dilution system is designed to ensure accurate dilutions and reduce contamination risks, standardizing your sample preparation and evolving with your needs.