Connected Microbiology for Blood Culture and ID/AST
Inefficiencies within the microbiology lab can lead to higher costs and medical decisions being made with incomplete information. Implementing MYLA can help address laboratory inefficiency.
MYLA is the data management platform that allows users to experience improvements in equipment connectivity, lab workflow, and information management.
MYLA software offers the user a real-time, control-tower overview of bioMérieux instruments, with flexible and easy-to-generate reports. Patient results and workload status updates can be readily pushed to the attention of the healthcare professional, therefore putting time back on the side of patients with microbial infections.
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Monitor Instruments and Track Activities to Streamline Processes
Due to its robust connectivity to bioMérieux equipment, MYLA allows lab results to be collected, consolidated, and communicated to stakeholders in real-time.
- Open connectivity to multiple bioMérieux microbiology lab instruments
- Remote, browser-based secure access, through VILINK®
- Simplified interface management
- Standard LIS interface
Maximizes the microbiology lab resources to allow employees to focus time where it is needed most.
Use Time Efficiently and Optimize Resources
Optimize the technologist's time and maximize resources by maintaining visibility of the patient testing process.
- User-friendly dashboard with real-time activity to anticipate workload
- Monitor bioMérieux instruments anywhere with remote notifications and alerts to late processing
- Process and quality indicators based on real-time metrics
- Guidance for test processing decisions
Alerts users to actionable information to help reduce bottlenecks
and provide results to clinicians as soon as possible.
Data Management
Take Information Availability to the Next Level
Recapture time spent on creating reports through MYLA's automated and comprehensive consolidation of information, painting a clear picture of the laboratory and its results.
Delivering outstanding, cost-effective care to your patients is highly dependent on your physician’s ability to access the right information at the right time.
Data is usually deposited into different silos, making it difficult to share and communicate between stakeholders. With MYLA, your bioMérieux laboratory equipment and the LIS are readily interfaced to link information into a single, robust dashboard. This user-friendly dashboard allows technologists to analyze data in a compact and concise view, painting a picture of the laboratory and its results.
PRN 054756 Rev. 02.A
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- myla-statistical-reporting-module.pdf
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Download Statistical Reporting Module
- Filename
- myla-statistical-reporting-module.pdf
- Size
- 15 MB
- Format
- application/pdf