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Antimicrobial Stewardship

You can preserve antibiotic efficacy with the right diagnostic tests that guide appropriate and responsible use of antibiotics to ensure they remain lifesaving for future generations.

Antimicrobial Resistance

What is Antimicrobial Resistance?

Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites mutate naturally over time and to resist the effects of medications that were once effective for treating them. This means that standard treatment options become ineffective, causing the infection to persist, which increases the risk of severe consequences to the patient. 

High Cost of Antimicrobial Resistance

It is estimated that AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths in 2019 and contributed to an additional 4.95 million deaths.3

In the US, more than 2.8 million antimicrobial-resistant infections occur each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.4

In 2019, the number of ED visits with infectious and parasitic diseases as the primary diagnosis was 3.8 million. This resulted in 482,000 hospital admissions.5

The number of visits to physician offices in 2019 for infectious and parasitic diseases was 10.2 million.6

The Best Solution to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is a commitment to preserving antimicrobial efficacy for future generations through appropriate use of these treatments. The goal of antimicrobial stewardship initiatives is to ensure that the right antibiotic is given to the right patient at the right time, with the right dose and via the right route. In realistic terms, it is a multidisciplinary approach that aims to ensure that patients benefit from the most effective antimicrobial treatments while limiting the side effects and costs of unnecessary treatments.

bioMérieux - Your Partner of Choice for Antimicrobial Stewardship

bioMérieux is your trusted partner in today's healthcare systems. We provide a comprehensive diagnostics and expertise, enabling hospital laboratories to provide actionable evidence and insights to clinicians. Together, we'll work on improving patient outcomes and create more effective stewardship programs. 

Our Integrated Offer

Our end-to-end antimicrobial stewardship solution encompasses more than just traditional state-of-the-art lab technology. Because at bioMérieux we fully understand your AMS needs, our offer translates into three key areas where we help hospitals and labs better inform antimicrobial initiation, optimization, and discontinuation. 

Actionable Diagnostics

Diagnostic tools help clinicians determine timely and appropriate treatment, which help reduce the spread of drug-resistant infections. As the largest in vitro diagnostics company committed to antimicrobial stewardship, we help maximize the use of diagnostic solutions to detect, identify, and treat drug-resistant pathogens.

Advanced Analytics

We support healthcare systems in their efforts to deliver evidence-based clinical care with our software solutions that help to optimize efficiency and increase collaborative communication.

Collaborative Services

Improve lab efficiency and accelerate the medical and economic value of stewardship.

Our solutions confirm or rule out bacterial infection and identify the causative pathogen for informed patient management.


Important Biomarker for Improved Patient Management

Detects procalcitonin, a biomarker that aids in the risk assessment for progression to severe sepsis and septic shock. PCT also aids in decision making on antibiotic therapy for patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI).

BioFire Torch 12 with Screen menu


Easier testing. Faster results.

With integrated sample preparation, amplification, detection, and analysis, the BIOFIRE TORCH uses multiplex PCR technology to simultaneously test for a comprehensive grouping of targets in ~45 minutes to ~1 hour.


A Market-Leading Automated Gram Stainer Offering Confidence in Results

Gram staining is a key step in your microbiology workflow, and PREVI® COLOR GRAM is the system to streamline it and provide timely staining results for impactful decisions.

Optimize antibiotic therapy guidance and improve patient outcomes faster with our diagnostic solutions that help identify pathogens and determine their resistance profiles in order to select the most appropriate treatment.


Automated System for Faster Blood Culture

The first and only fully automated blood culture system, helping to refine and redesign laboratory workflow to optimize efficiency.

BIOFIRE® Blood Culture Identification 2 Panel

1 Test. 43 Targets. ~1 Hour. 

The BIOFIRE BCID2 Panel tests for 43 targets associated with bloodstream infections, including Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, yeast, and 10 antimicrobial resistance genes – all with one test and with results available in about an hour from positive blood culture. 


New-Generation Mass Spectrometry Microbial Identification System 

A benchtop high-throughput automated identification system with a robust database that facilitates fast and confident microbial identification.


Fully integrated Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing 

Automated system for routine antimicrobial susceptibility built to enable efficient workflow and fast AST results. Its fully integrated ID/AST approach is designed to rapidly and confidently guide patient therapy. 


Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing Reagent Strips to Determine On-Scale MICs

ETEST complements the VITEK® 2 automated system platform by offering a flexible and precise minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) solution to test additional antibiotics.



Rapid, Reliable Test for Carbapenemase-Producing Bacteria

This test gives reliable results in under 2 hours, making it the quick and easy way to control carbapenemase7 producers and meet diagnostic and screening challenges, improve patient management, and control healthcare associated infections.


Automated Microbiology Specimen Processing Instrument

Quality diagnostic results depend on high standard specimen processing. WASP® is the smart solution for truly comprehensive automation – taking you far beyond plating and streaking to address all aspects of microbiology specimen processing.

WASP® System is manufactured by COPAN Company.


Chromogenic Media for Organism Isolation and Identification

Innovative and extensive range of chromogenic media for the simultaneous culture and identification of microorganisms in clinical specimens.


Important Biomarker for Improved Patient Management

Detects procalcitonin, a biomarker that aids in the risk assessment for progression to severe sepsis and septic shock. PCT also aids in decision making on antibiotic therapy for patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI).

VIDAS B•R•A•H•M•S PCT aids in decision-making for antibiotic therapy discontinuation for patients with suspected or confirmed sepsis, and for patients with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI).


Important Biomarker for Improved Patient Management

Detects procalcitonin, a biomarker that aids in the risk assessment for progression to severe sepsis and septic shock. PCT also aids in decision making on antibiotic therapy for patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI).

Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence 

bioMérieux is taking a proactive, partnership-driven approach by creating the Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence (COE) initiative to focus on delivering high-value solutions, expertise and service in AMS efforts in order to improve patient care.

AMS Centers of Excellence Partnerships

In 2021, bioMérieux established the Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence program to bring attention to the threat of antimicrobial resistance and to accelerate the impact that infectious diseases diagnostics have in facilitating antimicrobial stewardship and improve patient care. bioMérieux has formalized partnerships with 14 hospitals globally.


Centers of Excellence Stories

In North America, Tampa General Hospital and Henry Ford Health are two health systems that have received this Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence designation. Find out more as their team shares what this designation means to them.


External Partner Resources

Doctor and patient

As a proud member of the Antimicrobial Resistance Industry Alliance, we invite you to view the 2021 Progress Report which provides a snapshot of the life sciences industry's collective efforts and leadership in tackling the rise of antimicrobial resistance. 

Doctor and patient


bioMérieux is proud to be a co-leader in the VALUE-Dx project, a consortium of 26 partners which aims to demonstrate the medical and economic value of diagnostics to combat antibiotics resistance.

Doctor and patient

The Fleming Fund 

bioMérieux was selected as a supplier in a tender process by the Fleming Fund, a £265 million UK aid investment to tackle antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries around the world.

Doctor and patient

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In November 2019, the Centers for Disease Control updated the Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs to reflect key learnings and evidence, further advancing the viability of stewardship programs in the United States. 

Doctor and patient


bioMérieux supports CIDRAP with grants for the Antimicrobial Stewardship Project (ASP). We encourage you to visit the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy's ASP page to view the latest industry news and updates about stewardship in the United States. 

Contact Us About Our Antimicrobial Stewardship Solutions 

Contact Us



    1. Murray CJ, Ikuta KS, Sharara F, et al. Global Burden of Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance in 2019: A Systematic Analysis. The Lancet. 2022;399(10325):629-655. doi:
    2. Nelson RE, Hatfield KM, Wolford H, et al. National Estimates of Healthcare Costs Associated With Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infections Among Hospitalized Patients in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021;72(Supplement_1):S17-S26. doi:
    3. Murray, C., et. al. Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis. Lancet. 2022; 399(10325);629-655. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02724-0 
    4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Antibiotic Resistant Threats in the United States 2019. US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC. 2019. 
    5. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2021 National Summary Tables, tables 10 and 25. 
    6. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2019 National Summary Tables, table 13.
    7. RAPIDEC® CABRA NP Package Insert. On file. bioMérieux.

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