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Fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) for Bloodstream Infections

The newest addition to our total sepsis solution, VITEK REVEAL offers fast antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) results in a single shift to effectively and efficiently manage bloodstream infections.


System Overview

Optimize time to targeted therapy for patients with bloodstream infections

Within our sepsis solution, VITEK REVEAL offers extensive antimicrobial coverage for gram-negative bloodstream infections delivering phenotypic AST results in an average of 5.5-6 hours1,2 directly from a positive blood culture.

Predicting antimicrobial resistance (AMR), can be more complex and time-intensive for patients with gram-negative infections. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment make a critical difference when it comes to improving sepsis patient outcomes. Hourly delays in antimicrobial administration were associated with increased odds of hospital mortality even among patients who received antibiotics within 6 hours.3

Our comprehensive sepsis solution, with the addition of VITEK REVEAL, may help manage your patient’s antimicrobial therapy, bringing you fast id and reliable results to support clinical decisions for better patient care. 

The Benefits of VITEK REVEAL

VITEK REVEAL offers exceptional performance—delivered through speed, scalability, and quality results.
  • Fast, Actionable Results: VITEK REVEAL is capable of delivering AST results in as little as 3 hours.
  • Ease of Use: Simply load and walk away after ~3 minutes of sample preparation.
  • Comprehensive AST: Wide antimicrobial coverage for gram-negative bloodstream infections.
  • Flexible Design: The modular, stackable design allows for high-throughput (8, 12, or 24 samples per shift) in a small tabletop footprint.

Full Integration with our End-to-End Sepsis Solution

VITEK REVEAL is the latest edition to our total sepsis solution. Experience the power of solutions, services, and software working seamlessly together to deliver life-saving results that patients are waiting for.


  1. Rottman et al., ECCMID 2022.
  2. BMX.1.129899 Clinical Trial Summary Report (proprietary, on file at bioMérieux). 
  3. Liu VX, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017. Vol 196,(7):856-863.

Services & Support

Our comprehensive, end-to-end support covers installation and integration, as well as daily operations and maintenance.

  • Access reliable IT expertise and lab consultancy services that can help you optimize operations.
  • We offer thorough training courses and continuing eduction opportunities.
  • With over 60 years of experience in microbiology and laboratory operations, our support team has been consistently recognized by the industry and community, winning awards for customer satisfaction and OEM service performance.



Learning Services

bioMérieux wants to make your life easier. Login or Register to our new Resource Center website. Here you can access Quality Control Certificates (QCC), Instructions for Use (IFU), and System Manuals along with other file types.


bioMérieux Lab Consultancy

Collaborative every step of the way, we bring you customizable services that help you create the balance that makes the most of your lab talent and expertise. To really get to know your lab, we “roll up our sleeves” and work by your side to:

  • Support rapid decisions
  • Increase productivity
  • Maximize quality

When we combine your knowledge of your lab and our expert outside perspective, we have the winning formula to enhance use of technology, improve workflow and processes, and make the most of staff skills.



Learn more

The newest addition to our Sepsis Solution, VITEK® REVEAL™ offers rapid AST results to effectively and efficiently manage bloodstream infections.

Specs & Resources

Technical Specifications


SpecificationValueMinimum Value
Width≤ 44 cm (17.3 in)NA
Height≤ 21 cm (8.3 in)NA
Depth≤ 72 cm (28.3 in)NA
Rear clearanceNA13 cm (5.1 in)
Front clearanceNA39 cm (15.4 in)
Side clearanceNA13 cm (5.1 in)
Weight35 kg (77 lb)NA





SpecificationValueMinimum Value
Width≤ 26 cm (10.2 in)NA
Height≤ 45 cm (17.7 in)NA
Depth≤ 58 cm (22.8 in)NA
Rear ClearanceNA12.7 cm (5 in)
Front ClearanceNA21 cm (8.3 in)
Side ClearanceNA13 cm (5.1 in)
Weight35 kg (77 lb)NA

Sealer VITEK REVEAL instrument for AST




Fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Guide

Prioritizing Sepsis Management Guide