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BIOFIRE® Mycoplasma

Adopt Revolutionary Mycoplasma Testing with Next Gen PCR to Reduce the Cost of Quality While Maximizing Your Efficiency

1-Hour Mycoplasma Testing By Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

Complex Testing Made Simple and Secure

The Molecular Lab In A Pouch

Able to perform extraction, amplification and detection that typically requires several larger instruments, the BIOFIRE® next generation nucleic acid test delivers accurate Mycoplasma detection in less than an hour. With only 2 minutes of hands-on time, a closed test system and automated result interpretation, data integrity is assured. 

Maximize operational efficiency and save costs by moving mycoplasma testing out of the lab and closer to production with the BIOFIRE mycoplasma system.  As an at-line test, our simple 3-step workflow can be performed by anyone, anywhere, anytime reducing molecular laboratory testing costs. With minimal hands-on time and results in less than 1 hour, BIOFIRE makes it easy to quickly confirm the absence of mycoplasma without the use of expensive molecular laboratories. 

Interested In Easy At-Line Mycoplasma Testing? Contact Our Experts.

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