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Cronobacter Food Safety Whitepaper

A Two Part Series

Cronobacter baby

October 13, 2021


Cronobacter species are gram-negative, facultative, anaerobic rod-shaped bacteria, and part of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Previously described as a single species named E. sakazakii, it has been reclassified in the Cronobacter genus, currently comprising 7 species, all potentially pathogenic. Naturally occurring in the environment, Cronobacter can survive extremely dry conditions and other stress mechanisms. Combined, these resistance attributes make Cronobacter a persistent problem for milk powder, infant formula, and milk- and plant-based dry manufacturing facilities.

In order to implement effective controls along the food supply chain and at home—and reduce the number of Cronobacter spp. infections in infants—a multidisciplinary approach involving producers, processors, retailers, and the consumer is necessary.


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