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BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY®  Pneumonia (PN) Panels

1 Test. 33 Targets. ~1 Hour. 

Quickly and accurately pinpoint the probable pathogen with this multiplex molecular panel, which tests for 33 of the most common pathogens associated with lower respiratory tract infections.

Pneumonia Testing Redefined

Pneumonia patients are frequently over-treated with antibiotics because it is difficult to quickly identify the pathogen responsible for their symptoms. The BIOFIRE PN Panel is a response to this challenge. The single test comprehensively identifies 33 potential pathogen targets from sputum-like (including endotracheal aspirate) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-like (including mini-BAL) samples. For 15 of the bacteria, the BIOFIRE PN Panel provides semi-quantitative results, which may help determine whether an organism is a colonizer or a pathogen.

The Power Behind the Panel

The BIOFIRE PN Panel can provide the essential combination of speed, accuracy, and comprehensiveness to enable a rapid, definitive identification of a pathogen. 

How the BIOFIRE PN Panel Helps

The BIOFIRE PN Panel transforms diagnostics by swiftly delivering results within about one hour, a significant improvement over conventional methods. Its enhanced pathogen detection capability may improve diagnostic accuracy, while also contributing to more informed antimicrobial prescribing. This innovative approach further aids in patient care by facilitating quicker and more targeted treatment decisions.

Get Results Faster

The BIOFIRE PN Panel is proven to deliver results in as little as on hour, as compared to 48-72 hours for standard-of-care results.2

Detect More Pathogen Targets

Traditional testing methods have been found to identify bacterial agents in only 14% of patient samples, compared to 50% with the BIOFIRE PN Panel.3,4

Improve Antibiotic Prescribing

With results from the BIOFIRE PN Panel, 42% of patients had antibiotics de-escalated compared to 8% without the panel.5

Elevate Patient Care

Some 80% of patients received results-driven therapy in about 2.3 hours vs. traditional methods where 29% of patients received results-driven therapy after about 46 hours.5  

The Pneumonia Testing Menu

Discover the 33 targets on the BIOFIRE PN Panel, including eight viruses, 18 bacteria, and seven antimicrobial resistance genes associated with lower respiratory tract infections. 

Sample Type
BAL-like: (including mini-BAL)
Sputum: (including endotracheal aspirate)

BAL-like: 96% sensistivity and 98.3% specificity 
Sputum: 96.3% sensitivity and 97.2% specificity 


Syndromic Testing Made Simple

The BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Systems run syndromic infectious disease tests. One multiplex assay simultaneously tests for the most common pathogens and antimicrobial resistance genes associated with a particular syndrome.

Learn More About Systems



The BIOFIRE TORCH System uses multiplex PCR technology to simultaneously test for a comprehensive grouping of targets in about an hour. 

  • Compatible with six-panel syndromic portfolio
  • Reduced footprint provides up to six times the throughput per square foot of laboratory bench space
  • Scalable configuration allows customized throughput
  • Simplified workflow features a touchscreen interface and integrated barcode scanner
  • Data management automation includes LIS connectivity and random-access operation


The BIOFIRE 2.0 System enables simplified test ordering, faster turnaround times, and increased accuracy by minimizing manual data entry.

  • Scalable configuration allows customized throughput and efficient use of laboratory bench space
  • Offers LIS connectivity, random-access operation, and single database management of up to 8 instruments per computer

Service & Support

To order the BIOFIRE PN Panel, contact your regional sales representative or use the following contact information:


Phone: 1-801-736-6354

US Sales Extension: 1502

International Sales Extension: 1536

Product Information

BIOFIRE Pneumonia 30 Pouch KitRFIT-ASY-014430-Pack

1.     Data on File at BioFire Diagnostics.

2.     El-Nawawy A.A. et al. Comparison of a Point-of-Care FilmArray Test to Standardof-Care Microbioloty Test in Diagnosis of Healthcare Associated Infections in a Tertiary Care Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Antibiotics 2022, 11, 453. doi:10.3390/ antibiotics11040453.

3.     Jain S, Self WH, et al. Community-Acquired Pneumonia Requiring Hospitalization among U.S. Adults.The New England journal of medicine. 2015;373(5):415-427. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1500245.

4.     Data on file, bioMérieux. The stated performance is the overall aggregate performance of the prospective clinical study data presented in the IFU. Performace data is for pathogen detection only. 

5.     Poole S., et al. Molecular point-of-care testing for lower respiratory tract pathogens improves safe antibiotic de-escalation in patients with pneumonia in the ICU: results of a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Infection 2022. Dec;85(6):625-633. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2022.09.003.