Our Partnership Program
At bioMérieux, we combine our expertise in infectious diseases and targeted critical conditions with our experience in the field of “Companion” and “Supportive/Complementary” Diagnostic tests to forge strong, tailored and innovative development and commercialization partnerships with healthcare companies.
These partnerships may be in the field of Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders or Acute Care (Sepsis, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)...) and may involve anti-infective medicine, immunomodulating interventions, vaccines, and medical devices...
As a pure in vitro diagnostic player, bioMerieux fully manages the phases of development, validation, registration, and global commercial deployment, optimizing market access for both the diagnostic test and the associated pharmaceutical or medical device.
Our Companion Diagnostics (CDx) program provides a single point of entry to facilitate interactions with our partners. The CDx team’s objective is to promote high medical value laboratory tests for use in combination with targeted treatments and medical interventions.
“bioMérieux is committed to making Personalized Medicine a reality by building strong, innovative, and tailored partnerships with pharmaceutical, vaccine and medical device companies.”
Diagnostic/therapy combination key benefits
- Stratification leading to the prescription of the right therapy for the right patient.
- Quicker selection of the optimal therapy.
- Improved patient outcomes and reduced side effects.
- Deeper understanding of the disease and medical decision.
- Increased probability of clinical trial success as the drug is prescribed to a subpopulation likely to positively respond to the treatment.
- Safer drug prescription, helping to protect drug efficacy and prevent drug misuse.
- Opportunity to obtain a premium reimbursement as a higher medical value is delivered to patients.
- Increased recognition of the high medical value of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) solutions.
- Co-development strategy for early and timely diagnostic availability.
- Co-adoption strategy for enhanced market access: joint medical education and promotion, synergies for reimbursement…
- Contribution to the overall control of healthcare spending as diagnostics support Personalized Medicine.
✉️ Contact our teams at: companion.diagnostics@biomerieux.com
📖 Download our Companion / Supportive Diagnostics brochure