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Pet Food

We believe that the principles of food safety should apply just as rigorously to pet food as to products for human consumption. 

Pet Food

Animal food products can be contaminated with Salmonella or other bacteria and viruses if not handled properly, which can cause serious illnesses in pets. The presence of Salmonella and mycotoxins has actually been the cause of several large pet food recalls in recent years. The manufacture of dried, frozen or chilled pet food, chews and treats must be monitored to ensure safety
We provide fast and effective monitoring solutions for all typical contaminants including spoilage bacteria, enterobacteriaceae in the environment and pathogenic bacteria in finished products.

Product List

  • GENE-UP®

    Automated Pathogen Detection

    Our real-time PCR solution simplifies workflows, decreases cross-contamination risks, and gives you rapid results that speed up critical manufacturing decisions.
  • VIDAS® KUBE™ Automated Food Pathogens Detection


    VIDAS® KUBE™’s adaptable automation helps your lab to be more productive, more accurate, and at the forefront of innovation—all-in-one simplifed platform.
  • TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution

    Automated Quality Indicator Solution

    TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.
  • MASTERCLAVE® Media Preparator    

    Broth and Culture Media Preparation

    MASTERCLAVE® is an automated culture media preparation system that improves your laboratory workflow, from media to sample preparation.

    Automated Sample Dilution

    The DILUMAT® dilution system is designed to ensure accurate dilutions and reduce contamination risks, standardizing your sample preparation and evolving with your needs.
  • PMi™

    Systems for more efficient tube, bottle and plate filling

    The PMi™ (High Precision Peristaltic Dispenser) brings greater efficiency and precision to your culture media preparation. You can fill tubes, bottles or plates manually with PMi™.
  • ENVIROMAP® Automated Environmental Monitoring

    Elevate Your Environmental Monitoring Program

    ENVIROMAP® is a secure, cloud-based system that allows you to automate your environmental monitoring program and assists with the entire sampling lifecycle.

  • GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. coli

    Unrivaled Accuracy

    GENE-UP® Pathogenic E. Coli (PEC) brings accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use detection for the top pathogenic strains that threaten public health and brand reputation. In just 60 minutes after enrichment, you get unrivaled accuracy and rapid results.
  • GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella

    True Quantification

    GENE-UP® QUANT Salmonella brings efficiency and ease with accurate quantification of Salmonella. With no incubation or enrichment required, you get reliable results with true quantification for informed and efficient intervention decisions.