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Seafood is one of the categories of products with the shortest shelf life. This means that delivering consistently reliable products is the top priority to ensure customer safety and product reputation.
Developing and maintaining an effective and efficient HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) program is critical for protecting public safety, and for maximizing both productivity and shelf life. 


bioMérieux provides a comprehensive range of pathogen detection systems that ensure quality, risk management, and come in cost-effective and flexible solutions. With bioMérieux's products, you can ensure that your customers and brand are protected, as well as having an optimized supply chain.

Product List

  • TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution

    Automated Quality Indicator Solution

    TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.
  • VIDAS® KUBE™ Automated Food Pathogens Detection


    VIDAS® KUBE™’s adaptable automation helps your lab to be more productive, more accurate, and at the forefront of innovation—all-in-one simplifed platform.
  • VITEK EXPRESS Identification Services

    ID Services Powered by Microbiology Experts

    As microbiologists, we know fast and reliable results are of the utmost importance. Get the accurate identifications you need quickly and easily.


    Your Solution for Automated Microbial Identification

    The VITEK® 2 Compact system offers quality control testing solutions for fast and accurate microbial identification. With technology that includes an extensive and robust identification database, rapid results, and minimal training time, it will streamline laboratory workflow for increased productivity.
  • VITEK® MS Rapid Identification of Microorganisms

    Improve Your Productivity and Increase Confidence

    VITEK® MS was developed for its rapid identification of microorganisms for the pharmaceutical,personal care, and food industries. Suitable for industrial manufacturers and pharmaceutical laboratories who work with microbial identification, our knowledge base contains the most frequently encountered organisms in pharmaceutical, food and animal health applications.