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Antimicrobial Resistance Symposium 2023

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This event was developed and organized by a cross-functional team at bioMérieux Canada and their partners at Emerging & Pandemic Infections Consortium (EPIC) and University of Toronto, for the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2023.

This year, the symposium focuses on the Pan-Canadian Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), emphasizing a One Health perspective. North American stakeholders share experiences on the role of diagnostics in combating AMR and driving practice changes.

The 2022 Antimicrobial Resistance Symposium is still available here.

AMR Burden in Canada and the Pan-Canadian Action Plan on AMR

Dr. Mounchili outlines the Pan-Canadian Action Plan, detailing its 5 pillars. He emphasizes collaborative efforts in executing the plan, involving healthcare professionals, government agencies, and public engagement for comprehensive antimicrobial resistance management nationwide.

Research and Innovation Pillar

Dr Owen summarizes the Pan-Canadian action plan’s research and innovation pillar 1, describe the desired outcome and define action needed to reach the Action plan’s desired outcome in research and innovation.

Stewardship Pillar

The three speakers delve into optimizing antimicrobial therapy, providing tools and training, and antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary medicine. They address antimicrobial usage, its environmental impact, and the emergence of resistance. And they offer an overview of the AMMI proposal for antimicrobial resistance guidelines.

Infection, prevention and control Pillar

Dr. McGeer outlines the Pan-Canadian Action Plan, detailing its goals and necessary actions in Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC). Dr. Kloeze introduces IPAC from an agricultural and veterinary medicine perspective, emphasizing its crucial role in addressing antimicrobial resistance across various sectors.

Leadership Pillar

Dr. Rogers Van underscores the leadership aspect of the Pan-Canadian Action Plan, stressing its pivotal role in orchestrating cohesive efforts against antimicrobial resistance. She elaborates on the key governance mechanisms and outlines leadership responsibilities crucial for Canada's strategy in combating AMR.

AMR in the setting of Sepsis: Clinical Practicalities

Dr. Fox-Robichaud concentrates on the case of Sepsis in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). She defines sepsis and its pathophysiology, elucidates the diagnostic process for sepsis, and underscores the importance of timely treatment in managing sepsis effectively.

Impact of rapid diagnostic on antimicrobial stewardship practices

Dr. Bobenchik elaborates on the various methods of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST), emphasizing the significance of rapid diagnosis in sepsis management.

Panel discussion 1

Panel discussion on the impact of diagnostic stewardship on Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs.

Resistance is Futile: New Technologies for AMR Diagnostics

Dr. Tran explains the intricacies of AMR diagnostics tools, offering insights into routine diagnostics tools for AST in clinical microbiology labs. Additionally, she showcases new applications and emerging technologies in the field of AMR diagnostics.

Role of the microbiome in AMR: a reason, a reservoir, and a resolution

Dr. Sycuro introduces the concept of microbiome, explaining its general function and how it operates. She emphasizes the crucial role as reservoirs in the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Phage therapy: Solution in a post-antibiotic era

Dr. Getz provides a high-level overview of phage therapy, from its origins to its current status. He describes ongoing projects in this area, providing detailed insights into current research endeavors related to phage therapy.

Evaluating point of care diagnostics for infections in the community: The POETIC, PACE and PRUDENCE (Value-DX) Experiences

Dr. Butler delves into the realm of point-of-care diagnostics for community infection, focusing on the experiences of three key projects: POETIC, PACE, and PRUDENCE (Value-DX).

The economics of AMR in a One-Health World

Dr. Hollis breaks down the economic impact of resistance, exploring the costs involved. He delves into the economics of controlling usage and antibiotic development and discusses the economics of silos, providing insights into the economic dynamics surrounding this aspect of antimicrobial resistance.

Panel discussion 2

Panel Discussion around the strategies to bring a silent pandemic into a public limelight.

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