Discussion with Gérald Andriot General Manager Isigny Sainte-Mère
June 14th, 2023
A rare example of corporate communication: the Isigny Sainte-Mère Cooperative, with Gérald Andriot, new general manager.
Expert in the infant milk market in Europe, the dairy cooperative of Isigny Sainte-Mère is also famous throughout the world for its cheeses. It posts a turnover of 507 million in 2022 and employs more than 1,000 employees. bioMérieux and the cooperative formed a true partnership during the confidential phase of Augmented Diagnostics.
In November 2021, Gérald Andriot, the new CEO, spoke about it at length in an interview filmed and hosted by Guillaume Dancoisne of bioMérieux. There, the new general manager clearly poses the challenge: "It's important for us to be predictive, because we know that the more we anticipate, the less the consequences will be for the cooperative".
“It's important for us to be predictive, because we know that the more we anticipate, the less the consequences will be for the cooperative”
In Isigny Sainte-Mère, anticipation is therefore a strong factor in the culture of society. In the history of production, the new director does not hide having stopped production: "When a contamination arrives, in three days the situation is under control", but "three days of non-production in infant milk, that counts in hundreds thousands of euros". A preventive approach is essential and fundamental, as the manager repeats because "an accident in children only happens once", "the cost can be dramatic" and "we know in Isigny that this must not happen!"
But this approach of prevention, anticipation and opening of the maximum health shield also has a very significant financial bill. The industrialist thus evokes, in this interview, this other risk, for the balance of the cooperative: the fact of “stopping the train, when you did not have to stop it. But you did. And that has a cost”.
“Three days of non-production in infant milk, that counts in hundreds thousands of euros”
Finally, the manager who is also very present with his laboratory talks about his questions about the data: “We analyze a lot, but the question I have and that I ask my teams is: what do you do with all these results? ".
For the director, it is obvious that "being able, thanks to a "Big Data" approach, to better interpret this data, this would allow us to better understand what is happening in our environment".
With Augmented Diagnostics, this is no longer a hypothetical, it is a possibility.
“We analyze a lot, but the question I have and that I ask my teams is: what do you do with all these results? ”
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