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Podcast: Cell Therapy Manufacture

How to Scale the Manufacture of Living Drugs

July 08, 2022

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Cell and gene therapies, also called ‘living drugs’ are both as powerful as they are complex. 

Despite the impressive trials and life-changing impacts at the individual level, it’s still not possible to manufacture #celltherapies at scales that could benefit a wider range of patients.

- What are the differences between cell therapies and conventional medicines that make them so difficult to manufacture? 
- Can we redeploy hardware and learnings from other industries or are custom solutions needed? 
- And does the ‘where’ we manufacture these therapies matter more than the ‘how’?

As you can discover in this podcast recorded by @TTP plc with @ Félix A MONTERO-JULIAN PhD (Global Scientific Affairs Director at bioMérieux), Dr. Edwin STONE (Head of cell and gene therapy at TTP) and Mike LEHMICKE (Senior Director of Science and Industry Affairs at the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine), efforts to address these questions and provide scalable manufacturing solutions could unleash a new wave of pharmaceutical innovation that promises to revolutionize the way we develop medicines, and cure patients. 

Listen to the podcast:

Dr. Edwin Stone
Ed is the head of cell and gene at TTP. After a PHD specialising in Vehicle Dynamics from the University of Cambridge, Ed started working at TTP some 18 years ago, most of which has been spent specialising in cell and gene. He’s been focusing on the manufacturing realm of cell and gene for the past seven years. His work spans everything from commercial strategy through to technology development and on to production.

Mike Lehmicke
Mike is the Senior Director of Science and Industry Affairs at the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, and has over 20 years of R&D experience in biomaterials, medical devices, and regenerative medicine. His work focuses on cell based tissue engineering, bioceramics and medicines which have the ability to help repair or replace damaged human cells or tissues.

Dr. Félix A. Montero-Julian
Félix is a Scientific Director of the Healthcare Business of bioMérieux. With over 25 years of experience in industrial and clinical diagnostics, Félix is extensively involved in the implementation and acceptance of rapid and alternative microbiological methods, with an array of technical experience across the cell and gene therapy manufacturing process.



Dairy products on display

Combating Quality Control Challenges and Special Needs of Cell and Gene Therapy Production

In this ‘Experts Interview’ feature published on CELL & GENE THERAPY INSIGHTS, Felix Montero Julian (Healthcare Scientific Director, bioMérieux) and Rey Mali (Vice President Sales and Marketing, Accellix) share their perspectives on current Quality Control challenges and special needs in cell and gene therapy production.
Dairy products on display

Learn More

Cell and gene therapies, also called ‘living drugs’ are both as powerful as they are complex. Despite the impressive trials and life-changing impacts at the individual level, it’s still not possible to manufacture #celltherapies at scales that could benefit a wider range of patients.