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Classic microbiological testing, including culturing, requires long wait times with inconclusive results. Current molecular technologies are too labor-intensive to implement at a winery. All current methods have difficulty analyzing “young” wines during fermentation. Given these limitations, winemakers lack the accurate, rapid detection of wine spoilers like BrettanomycesLactobacillus and Pediococcus.


We now make it possible to conduct routine, proactive testing throughout the winemaking process. Proactive quality management can mitigate the risk of producing wine that fails to meet your standards and results in lost value. Choose bioMérieux as your partner for your microbiological solutions.

Product List


    Proactively Manage Spoilage Organisms

    VINOPAL provides accurate information about the presence and level of Pediococcus and Lactobacillus at any time, and especially during harvest. These bacteria can quickly multiply, making early detection critical so wine can develop as intended.