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Global Point Prevalence Survey

The Global Point Prevalence Survey of Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance (Global-PPS) is an initiative from the University of Antwerp in Belgium.

The Global-PPS is a free web-based tool that allows to measure and monitor antimicrobial prescribing and resistance in hospitals.

The Global-PPS creates global awareness about antibiotic use and resistance and is instrumental in planning and supporting national and local stewardship interventions in a range of resource and geographical settings.

bioMérieux is the sole industrial partner of the Global Point Prevalence Survey. bioMérieux has no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or in writing the report which shall be done under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the University of Antwerp. Data are strictly confidential and stored anonymously at the coordinating center of the University of Antwerp.

Discover the Global-PPS

Discover the Global-PPS through video interviews of Professor Erika Vlieghe, lead investigator of the Global-PPS, Professor Herman Goossens, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology at the University of Antwerp, former Global-PPS lead investigator and Ann Versporten, coordinator of the Global-PPS.

These videos have been supported by bioMérieux. The scientific content has been developed independently by the speakers. The views presented in these videos are author’s personal opinion and not necessarily represent the viewpoint, strategy or opinions of bioMérieux.


Other resources available

Global Point Prevalence Survey of Impact and Value - 2023 Edition

Selection of scientific publications

Global Point Prevalence Survey of Impact and Value - 2023 Edition

Sharing Global Knowledge Supporting Local Actions


Sharing Global Knowledge Supporting Local Actions


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